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Frequently Asked Questions

Cards are assignable through your admin dashboard. You can purchase few extra cards so you can assign them to new staff without waiting for their business cards to be printed.

You can easily deactivate cards through your admin dashboard. Once a card is deactivated, it will redirect viewers to your website every time it’s used. You can then assign it to a new employee at any time through your business dashboard.

Yes, through your admin dashboard you can setup your directory and choose who you’d like to display and who you’d like to hide. You can also group them into categories for a more organized look.

Your staff wont be able to remove your company logo nor the company name from their profile. We are currently working on a 2nd version of our admin dashboard where you would be able to control other aspects of your staff’s profiles.

We don’t ask our users for any sensitive information nor their social media logins. You can share as much or as little information as you’d like on your OVOU profile. OVOU profiles are public landing pages to host your information and make it easily sharable to people you meet.

Read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Agreement

OVOU Card is made of durable and waterproof plastic. Our cards are sturdy and yet flexible. In addition, the matte finish adds a premium feel that is incomparable to most cards in the market today.

Orders are processed daily and shipping varies between 3-5 business days.

For branded cards, add another 2-3 business days for us to create your design proof and the approval process.